Monday Morning Blues

30-Day Blogging Challenge – Day twenty-six
Prompt: What does it mean to you if someone says “It sounds like you’ve got a case of the Mondays”?

Hmmm… I’m not sure anyone would ever say that to me…
Here we are more likely to say we have the ‘Monday morning blues’, which I am guessing is what today’s prompt means? There is also, of course, Hump Wednesday – close to the weekend but not close enough.

I had a case of the Monday morning blues all day today. Well, until about 45 minutes ago, that is.

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned my PAs (personal assistants) in this blog before? Probably not.
Right, I have two wonderful PAs. They basically help me do the stuff I would struggle with. If I didn’t have them, I’d have to chose between working, living and contributing to society, OR doing all the household stuff. I choose work and life. Therefore, my PAs do everything else.
I’m very lucky as I employ them myself so I have full control over who works for me. Sometimes I choose wrong. But, right now, I never want them to leave.

However, it is no secret that I love my own space. Sometimes, if I don’t get my own space, I go a little MAD. Unfortunately, having PAs means that the only time someone else isn’t here is on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.

This morning I woke up and decided I needed space. So, I got up, went to the supermarket and got some breakfast. Then I drove my car to the furthest away and quietest spot in the carpark and just sat. I didn’t do much: ate, drank coffee, smoked and listened to the radio. I tell a lie, I also plucked my eyebrows! As you do, in a carpark!

Unfortunately, when I got home I, for some reason, felt overwhelmed about all the things I needed to do. I was making endless lists in my head. So much so that it got to the point where I could hardly think clearly enough to get anything done. It annoys me when I do that so myself.

So, there we have it, Monday morning blues.

Tomorrow I’m getting up at 5am so will no doubt have an extreme case of Tuesday morning blues.

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